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Colloquium Volker Springel: Interfacing galaxy formation with precision cosmology

24 June 2024
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


Studio Villa Bosch
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
Heidelberg, 69118 Germany

By Volker Springel, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany
HITS Fellow 2018


Numerical simulations of cosmic structure formation have become a powerful tool in astrophysics. Starting right after the Big Bang, they predict the dark matter backbone of the cosmic web far into the non-linear regime and follow complex galaxy formation physics with rapidly improving fidelity. In my talk, I discuss extremely large simulations of the Universe and describe how they help to constrain basic cosmological parameters, including the mass of neutrinos. They also allow us to test astrophysical hypothesis, such as the influence of supermassive black holes on galaxy formation. Finally, I will also discuss some of the specific computational challenges in this field.


Short CV:

Please see: cv_springel




The talk will be hybrid.
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