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HITS-SIMPLAIX Joint Colloquium Cecilia Clementi: Modeling Protein Dynamics with Machine Learning and Molecular Simulation

Studio Villa Bosch Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, Heidelberg, Germany

  By Cecilia Clementi, Einstein Professor Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Physics, Berlin, Germany The last years have seen an immense increase in high-throughput and high-resolution technologies for experimental observation as well as high-performance techniques to simulate molecular systems at a microscopic level, resulting in vast and ever-increasing amounts of high-dimensional data. However, experiments provide […]

16th SIMPLAIX internal project meeting

Studio Villa Bosch Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, Heidelberg, Germany

The 16th SIMPLAIX internal project meeting will take place in Studio Villa Bosch.

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