Michael Stang – Journalist in Residence 2016
German science journalist Michael Stang was the fifth “Journalist in Residence” at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). For the …

Turbulent times: When stars approach
HITS astrophysicists use new methods to simulate the common-envelope phase of binary stars, discovering dynamic irregularities that may help to explain …

Data mining algorithms and new standards for astronomers
Kai Polsterer, leader of the HITS Astroinformatics (AIN) group, is now chair of the IVOA Knowledge Discovery in Databases group. It’…

Open positions for Master and PhD students
We are currently looking for Master and PhD students with a major in physics, biophysics, biochemistry, or related fields. Projects involve …

New Managing Director for HITS
On 1 January 2016, Dr. Gesa Schönberger was appointed the new managing director of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies. She succeeds …

Another PhD. Thesis Defended
Yufang Hou (second from the left, with her examination committee) has successfully defended her PhD. thesis on “Unrestricted Bridging Resolution”. Yufang, …

EMNLP 2016
Michael Strube will be Area Co-Chair for Summarization, Generation, Discourse, and Dialogue at EMNLP ’16 to be held in Austin, TX, USA, …

Tilmann Gneiting as Editor-in-Chief of “The Annals of Applied Statistics”
HITS group leader Professor Tilmann Gneiting is now Editor-In-Chief of the peer-reviewed scientific journal “The Annals of Applied Statistics”, which is …