AIN Group










  • Kugler SD, Gianniotis N, Polsterer KL (2016). A spectral model for multimodal redshift estimation, 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI),pp.1-8,IEEE 473
  • Polsterer K (2016). Dealing with Uncertain Multimodal Photometric Redshift Estimations, Proc. IAU 12(S325):156-165. 2016 106
  • Disanto A (2016). Uncertain Photometric Redshifts with Deep Learning Methods, IAU Symposium, Astroinformatics, vol. 325, Eds: Brescia, M. and Djorgovski, G. and Feigelson, E. and Longo, G. and S. Cavuoti, eds., Oct 2016 107
  • Polsterer KL (2016). Dealing with Uncertain Multimodal Photometric Redshift Estimations., Proc. IAU 12(S325):156-165 208
  • Crawford E, Norris R, Polsterer K (2016). WTF? Discovering the Unexpected in next-generation radio continuum surveys, In Astronomical Data Analysis Software an Systems XXV (ADASS XXV), vol. 496 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Eds: Taylor, A. R. and Rosolowsky, E., Sep 2016 105
  • Polsterer K, Gieseke F (2016). Probability Density Functions for Astronomy, In Astronomical Data Analysis Software an Systems XXV (ADASS XXV), vol. 496 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Eds: Taylor, A. R. and Rosolowsky, E., Sep 2016 108
  • Gianniotis N, Kügler SD, Tiňo P, Polsterer KL (2016). Model-coupled autoencoder for time series visualisation, Neurocomputing 192:139-146 472
  • Gianniotis N, Schnörr C, Molkenthin C, Bora SS (2016). Approximate variational inference based on a finite sample of Gaussian latent variables, Pattern Anal Applic 19(2):475-485 471
  • Disanto A, Cavuoti S, Brescia M, Donalek C, Longo G, Riccio G, Djorgovski S (2016). An analysis of feature relevance in the classification of astronomical transients with machine learning methods, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 457:3119–3132 99
  • Kügler S, Gianniotis N, Polsterer K (2016). An explorative approach for inspecting Kepler data, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455(4):4399–4405 102
  • Polsterer K, Gieseke F, Igel C, Doser B, Gianniotis N (2016). Parallelized rotation and flipping INvariant Kohonen maps (PINK) on GPUs, In European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), pp. 405–410 103



  • Kügler SD, Nilsson K, Heidt J, Esser J, Schultz T (2014). Properties of optically selected BL Lacertae candidates from the SDSS, A&A 569:A95 445
  • Polsterer KL, Gieseke F, Igel C, Goto T (2014). Improving the performance of photometric regression models via massive parallel feature selection, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIII, 485:425 447
  • Gieseke F, Polsterer K, Oancea CE, Igel C (2014). Speedy Greedy Feature Selection: Better Redshift Estimation via Massive Parallelism, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. Bruges (Belgium), 23-25 April 2014 446



  • Gieseke F, Polsterer K, Zinn P (2012). Photometric Redshift Estimation of Quasars: Local versus Global Regression, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI. Proceedings of a Conference held at Marriott Rive Gauche Conference Center, Paris, France, 6-10 November 470


  • Assef RJ, Denney KD, Kochanek CS, Peterson BM, Kozłowski S, Ageorges N, Barrows RS, Buschkamp P, Dietrich M, Falco E, Feiz C, Gemperlein H, Germeroth A, Grier CJ, Hofmann R, Juette M, Khan R, Kilic M, Knierim V, Laun W, Lederer R, Lehmitz M, Lenzen R, Mall U, Madsen KK, Mandel H, Martini P, Mathur S, Mogren K, Mueller P, Naranjo V, Pasquali A, Polsterer K, Pogge RW, Quirrenbach A, Seifert W, Stern D, Shappee B, Storz C, Saders JV, Weiser P, Zhang D (2011). Black Hole Mass Estimates Based on C IV are Consistent with Those Based on the Balmer Lines, ApJ 742(2):93 453
  • Pasquali A, Bik A, Zibetti S, Ageorges N, Seifert W, Brandner W, Rix H, Jütte M, Knierim V, Buschkamp P, Feiz C, Gemperlein H, Germeroth A, Hofmann R, Laun W, Lederer R, Lehmitz M, Lenzen R, Mall U, Mandel H, Müller P, Naranjo V, Polsterer K, Quirrenbach A, Schäffner L, Storz C, Weiser P (2011). Infrared Narrowband Tomography of the Local Starburst NGC 1569 with the Large Binocular Telescope/LUCIFER., The Astronomical Journal 141(4):132 454


  • Gieseke F, Polsterer KL, Thom A, Zinn P, Bomanns D, Dettmar R, Kramer O, Vahrenhold J (2010). Detecting Quasars in Large-Scale Astronomical Surveys, 2010 Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications,pp.352-357,IEEE 452
  • Jütte M, Knierim V, Polsterer K, Lehmitz M, Storz C, Seifert W, Ageorges N (2010). The LUCIFER control software, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy,p.774004,SPIE 469
  • Ageorges N, Seifert W, Jütte M, Knierim V, Lehmitz M, Germeroth A, Buschkamp P, Polsterer K, Pasquali A, Naranjo V, Gemperlein H, Hill J, Feiz C, Hofmann R, Laun W, Lederer R, Lenzen R, Mall U, Mandel H, Müller P, Quirrenbach A, Schäffner L, Storz C, Weiser P (2010). LUCIFER1 commissioning at the LBT, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III,p.77351L,SPIE 466
  • Buschkamp P, Hofmann R, Gemperlein H, Polsterer K, Ageorges N, Eisenhauer F, Lederer R, Honsberg M, Haug M, Eibl J, Seifert W, Genzel R (2010). The LUCIFER MOS: a full cryogenic mask handling unit for a near-infrared multi-object spectrograph, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III,p.773579,SPIE 467
  • Seifert W, Ageorges N, Lehmitz M, Buschkamp P, Knierim V, Polsterer K, Germeroth A, Pasquali A, Naranjo V, Jütte M, Feiz C, Gemperlein H, Hofmann R, Laun W, Lederer R, Lenzen R, Mall U, Mandel H, Müller P, Quirrenbach A, Schäffner L, Storz C, Weiser P (2010). LUCIFER1: performance results, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III,p.77357W,SPIE 468


  • Mandel H, Seifert W, Hofmann R, Jütte M, Lenzen R, Ageorges N, Bomans D, Buschkamp P, Dettmar R, Feiz C, Gemperlein H, Germeroth A, Geuer L, Heidt J, Knierim V, Laun W, Lehmitz M, Mall U, Müller P, Naranjo V, Polsterer K, Quirrenbach A, Schäffner L, Schwind F, Weiser P, Weisz H (2008). LUCIFER status report: summer 2008, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II,p.70143S,SPIE 465


  • Polsterer KL, Jütte M, Knierim V, Lehmitz M, Mandel H (2006). Lucifer VR: a virtual instrument for the LBT, Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy,p.62740M,SPIE 462
  • Jütte M, Polsterer K, Knierim V, Luks T, Schimmelmann J, Muhlack T, Mandel H, Lehmitz M (2006). The Java based control software of the LUCIFER instrument, Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy,p.62741H,SPIE 463
  • Knierim V, Jütte M, Polsterer K, Schimmelmann J (2006). User interaction with the LUCIFER control software, Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy,p.62741N,SPIE 464
  • Mandel HG, Appenzeller I, Seifert W, Baumeister H, Dettmar R, Feiz C, Gemperlein H, Germeroth A, Grimm B, Heidt J, Herbst T, Hofmann R, Jütte M, Knierim V, Laun W, Luks T, Lehmitz M, Lenzen R, Polsterer K, Quirrenbach A, Rohloff R, Rosenberger J, Weiser P, Weisz H (2006). LUCIFER status report: Summer 2006, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy,p.62693F,SPIE 461


  • Mandel H, Appenzeller I, Seifert W, Baumeister H, Bizenberger P, Dettmar R, Gemperlein H, Grimm B, Herbst TM, Hofmann R, Jutte M, Laun W, Lehmitz M, Ligori S, Lenzen R, Polsterer K, Rohloff R, Schuetze A, Seltmann A, Weiser P, Weisz H, Xu W (2004). LUCIFER status report, summer 2004, Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy,p.1208,SPIE 458
  • Hofmann R, Gemperlein H, Grimm B, Jutte M, Mandel H, Polsterer K, Weisz H (2004). The cryogenic MOS unit for LUCIFER, Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy,p.1243,SPIE 459
  • Juette M, Polsterer KL, Lehmitz M, Knierim V (2004). The development process of the LUCIFER control software, Advanced Software, Control, and Communication Systems for Astronomy,p.469,SPIE 460


  • Jütte M, Polsterer K, Lehmitz M, Dettmar R (2002). LUCIFER control software: an OO approach using CORBA technology, SPIE Proceedings 4848 : 387 486
  • Seifert W, Appenzeller I, Baumeister H, Bizenberger P, Bomans D, Dettmar R, Grimm B, Herbst T, Hofmann R, Juette M, Laun W, Lehmitz M, Lemke R, Lenzen R, Mandel H, Polsterer K, Rohloff R, Schuetze A, Seltmann A, Thatte NA, Weiser P, Xu W (2002). LUCIFER: a Multi-Mode NIR Instrument for the LBT, Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes,p.962,SPIE 457


  • Schweder F (2023). Probabilistic Modelling of Time Series for explorative Big Data Analysis in Astronomy (Master’s Thesis) 1626



  • Kugler SD (2015). On the application of machine learning approaches in astronomy: Exploring novel representations of high-dimensional and complex astronomical data (Doctoral Thesis) 1625

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