
Data for life
HITS researcher Alexandros Stamatakis is new SAB member of the Greek ELIXIR National Node Prof. Alexandros Stamatakis, head of the Scientific …

„Hands on“: Auszeichnung für Bioinformatik-Praktikum
This text is only available in German. Die Lehrveranstaltung „Hands-on Bioinformatics Practical“ von Prof. Alexandros Stamatakis und Dr. Tomas Flouri wird …

SCO Scientists: “Best Lecture” at KIT Computer Science
For their lecture “Introduction to Bioinformatics for Computer Scientists”, SCO group members Alexandros Stamatakis, Andre Aberer, Tomas Flouri, Alexey Kozlov, Kassian …

Computer Science Talent joins HITS
In February 2015, Sarah Lutteropp joined the SCO group (leader: Alexandros Stamatakis) as student worker. She currently studies at the Karlsruhe …

New Branches at the Tree of Life
Biologist Emily Jane McTavish (University of Kansas) does evolutionary research using DNA sequence data and computational tools. She is visiting the …

In “Science”: Big data explain evolution of birds
Bird tree of life reproduced by gene analysis and supercomputing, new findings about basics of birdsongs, feathers, biodiversity, and bird evolution …

HITSter wins Heidelberg Science Slam
Lucas Czech, PhD student in the HITS group Scientific Computing (SCO), won the Heidelberg Science Slam at O’Reilly’s Heidelberg …

PhD defense
Our visiting PhD student Paschalia Kapli, that visited our lab twice, successfully defended her PhD at the University of Crete on …

In “Science”: Scientists resolve the evolution of insects
A collaboration of more than 100 researchers from 10 countries announce the results of an unprecedented scientific study that resolves the evolutionary history …