
Coling Paper Accepted
The paper “Incremental Global Event Extraction” by Alex Judea and Michael Strube has been accepted for Coling 2016, which will take place …

EMNLP Paper Accepted
A paper by Daraksha Parveen, PhD. student in the HITS NLP group, has been accepted at EMNLP ’16. The title of the …

ACL 2016
A paper by Nafise Sadat Moosavi, PhD. student in the HITS NLP group, has been accepted as a long paper at …

First place at NAACL 2016 Shared Task
Madeline Remse, Master student in the HITS NLP group, finished first place in the Automated Evaluation of Scientific Writing Shared Task …

Two papers got accepted at NAACL-HLT 2016: Nafise Moosavi and Michael Strube: Search Space Pruning: A Simple Solution for Better Coreference Resolvers (…

Another PhD. Thesis Defended
Yufang Hou (second from the left, with her examination committee) has successfully defended her PhD. thesis on “Unrestricted Bridging Resolution”. Yufang, …

EMNLP 2016
Michael Strube will be Area Co-Chair for Summarization, Generation, Discourse, and Dialogue at EMNLP ’16 to be held in Austin, TX, USA, …

PhD. Thesis Defended
Angela Fahrni (second from the right, with her examination committee) has successfully defended her PhD. thesis on “Joint Discourse-aware Concept Disambiguation …

PhD. Thesis Submitted
In October 2014 Angela Fahrni submitted her PhD. thesis, “Joint Discourse-aware Concept Disambiguation and Clustering”. In November 2014 Angela started as PostDoc at …

Michael Strube will be PC Co-Chair at the ACL’s 2015 flagship conference ACL-IJCNLP ’15 to be held in Beijing, China, July 26-31, 2015.