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Issue 1 | 2022

22. March 2022

This year began with tremendously good news: Ganna Gryn’ova, head of the Computational Carbon Chemistry (CCC) group, was selected to …

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Issue 4 | 2021

7. December 2021

This fall, Heidelberg University has founded the Faculty of Engineering Sciences. HITS group leaders Rebecca Wade (Molecular and Cellular Modeling), Frauke …

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Issue 3 | 2021

14. September 2021

The astrophysicist Fabian Schneider, head of the junior group “Stellar Evolution Theory” (SET) at HITS, has been awarded the “Ludwig-Biermann-Förderpreis” …

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Issue 2 | 2021

18. June 2021

HITS Group Leader Anna Wienhard (Groups and Geometry) has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) …

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Issue 1 | 2021

10. March 2021

HITS welcomes new group leader Fabian Schneider, who started in January 2021. The astrophysicist is currently establishing his own research group “Stellar …

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Issue 4 | 2020

4. December 2020

Canadian science journalist and author Siobhan Roberts is the current “Journalist in Residence” at HITS. In spite of the Corona crisis, …

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Issue 3 | 2020

7. September 2020

HITS welcomes the new group leader Saskia Hekker at the institute. The astrophysicist and her new HITS group are trying to …

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Issue 2 | 2020

16. June 2020

What our HITS researchers are doing during corona times as well as the latest research on collagen – those are the topics …

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Issue 1 | 2020

9. March 2020

The formal reception that started off the 10th anniversary year, a new blog called “Via Data”, featuring some of the Institute’…

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No. 37 | 12-2019

4. December 2019

Next year, HITS will be ten years – a time to celebrate! To mark the occasion we have planned several special events …

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