A new genome for regeneration research
The planarian flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea is an extraordinary animal. Even when cut into tiny pieces, each piece can regenerate back into …
A matter of mobility: multidisciplinary paper suggests new strategy for drug discovery
A joint industry/academia study of a cancer target protein reveals unusual relation between binding site flexibility and drug-target lifetime. The …
Kerstin Hoppenhaus and Andreas von Bubnoff to be “Journalists in Residence” at HITS
The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gives science journalists the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of computer-based, data-driven science with a …
Library of galaxy histories reconstructed from motions of stars
The CALIFA survey allows to map the orbits of the stars of a sample of 300 galaxies, a fundamental information to know …
Neutron Stars on the Brink of Collapse
Neutron stars are the densest objects in the Universe; however, their exact characteristics remain unknown. Using simulations based on recent observations, …
Again: Three “Highly Cited Researchers” at HITS
Three HITS scientists are named among the most cited researchers worldwide. This year’s “Highly Cited Researchers” ranking by Clarivate Analytics …
Tracking down the origins of gold
The European Research Council has awarded HITS astrophysicist Andreas Bauswein an ERC Starting Grant worth approximately 1.5 million euros. Using computer simulations, …
Noisy cell membranes
Rapid information transfer is vital for the inner workings of body tissues. With computer simulations, researchers from Colombia and Germany found …
HITS: Call for “Journalist in Residence” in 2018 and 2019
Are you an experienced science journalist? Would you like a change of scenery and the chance to escape your daily routine? …
Digitale Mündigkeit und Bürgerrechte
This content is only available in German. Wissenschaftsministerin Theresia Bauer und netzpolitischer Sprecher Konstantin von Notz (Grüne) zum Informationsbesuch am …