The Science of Forecasting
Mathematician Tilmann Gneiting is leader of the new research group “Computational Statistics” at HITS and Professor at the Karlsruhe Institute for …

Bioinformatics: New type of bacteria found in the human gut
With software techniques, molecular biologists and computer scientists show that around half of the bacteria species in the human gut are …

Computer Science helps astronomers exploring the sky
The new HITS research group “Astroinformatics” will develop methods and software for astronomers and help facilitating the analysis and processing of …

The Human Brain Project has begun
The world’s most ambitious neuroscience project is underway. Scientists from the 135 partner institutions of the Human Brain Project, co-funded by …

Decoding worms to decode regeneration
Dr. Siegfried Schloissnig is head of the newly established Computational Biology junior research group at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). …

What Determines the Stability of Proteins?
With mathematical methods and computer simulations, Humboldt Fellow Richard Henchman (University of Manchester) is exploring the factors of protein stability – Research …

Protein origami: Quick folders are the best
The evolutionary history of proteins shows that protein folding is an important factor. Especially the speed of protein folding plays a …

KIT Introduction to Bioinformatics Course
The course evaluation by the students for the course: “Introduction to Bioinformatics for Computer Scientists” which Alexis, Solon, Tomas, Kassian, Andre, …