
Welcome Anna!
A warm welcome to Anna who has recently joined MBM group. Anna is a Physics master student at Heidelberg University. …

New insights into the regulation of haemostasis
German Scientists investigate the structure of the von Willebrand factor (VWF), a key protein involved in blood clotting. HITS researchers from …

MBM (former) group members at Davide’s and Danae’s wedding in Naples!
Congratulations and best wishes to Davide and Danae on their wedding and warmest greetings to former members of MBM group, nice …

Welcome Kevin!
A warm welcome to Kevin who is visiting the group with a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He previously …

Welcome Odysseas!
A warm welcome to Odysseas who has recently joined MBM group as a Bachelor student. Odysseas grew up in Athens, Greece. …

Protein analysis: Less is more
CONAN to the rescue! The new software-package for molecular dynamic simulations compresses 3D data to contact maps and helps to analyze …

Welcome Isabel!
A warm welcome to Isabel who has recently joined MBM group as a PhD student. Isabel did her master studies in …

Welcome Frieda!
A warm welcome to Frieda that has just joined MBM group as a master student. Frieda is a Molecular Biotechnology …

Welcome Benedikt!
A warm welcome to Benedikt that has just joined MBM group as a master student. Benedikt is a master student of …

Noisy cell membranes
Rapid information transfer is vital for the inner workings of body tissues. With computer simulations, researchers from Colombia and Germany found …