Journalist in Residence at HITS: a program for science journalists
The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) offers experienced journalists with focus on scientific journalism a three-month to six-month paid stay …

Open Day at HITS
This content is only available in German. Vom Molekül bis zum Universum – Forschung mit dem Computer: Tag der offenen Tü…

How reliable is the standard model of cosmology
This content is only available in German. Podiumsdiskussion am 19.06.2013: Ist das kosmologische Standardmodell tragfähig? Mit dem kosmologischen Standardmodell befasst sich …

What can we learn on TV?
This content is only available in German. Die freie Wissenschaftsjournalistin Pia Grzesiak über das Phänomen Infotainment– öffentliches HITS-Kolloquium am Montag, 03.06.2013, 16.00 …

Decoding worms to decode regeneration
Dr. Siegfried Schloissnig is head of the newly established Computational Biology junior research group at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). …

What Determines the Stability of Proteins?
With mathematical methods and computer simulations, Humboldt Fellow Richard Henchman (University of Manchester) is exploring the factors of protein stability – Research …

Pia Grzesiak to be new HITS “Journalist in Residence”
This content is only available in German. Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien fördert den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaftsjournalisten und Forschern – …

Protein origami: Quick folders are the best
The evolutionary history of proteins shows that protein folding is an important factor. Especially the speed of protein folding plays a …

Small change for a big improvement – halogen bonds and drug discovery
Halogen bonding has been applied in crystal engineering, materials research, and nanotechnology for some time. Scientists from the Heidelberg Institute for …

Exploring Drug-Target Interactions
HITS Scientists Participate in a New European Research Project In drug discovery it is often difficult to predict if a potential …