Protein analysis: Less is more

27. March 2018

CONAN to the rescue! The new software-package for molecular dynamic simulations compresses 3D data to contact maps and helps to analyze …

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Phylogenetic Tools: Software Quality Tests Yield Best Practices

1. March 2018

Life science research increasingly runs on software. A good fraction, perhaps even most of it, is made by academics, for academics: …

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EuroNeurotrophin project starts

1. March 2018

14 Early Stage Researchers to be trained in a European training network for the discovery of small molecule neurotrophin mimetics as candidate …

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Better Weather Forecasts for Africa: Development Assistance 2.0

7. February 2018

Precipitation forecasts are very useful for agricultural areas such as the Sahel. However, while there are reliable models and measurements for …

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How black holes shape the cosmos

1. February 2018

Astrophysicists from Heidelberg, Garching, and the USA gained new insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies. They calculated how black …

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The Mexican axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum (Copyright: IMP)

The largest genome ever: Decoding the Axolotl

24. January 2018

A team of researchers led by scientists in Vienna, Dresden and Heidelberg has decoded the entire genetic information of the Mexican …

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A new genome for regeneration research

24. January 2018

The planarian flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea is an extraordinary animal. Even when cut into tiny pieces, each piece can regenerate back into …

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A matter of mobility: multidisciplinary paper suggests new strategy for drug discovery

15. January 2018

A joint industry/academia study of a cancer target protein reveals unusual relation between binding site flexibility and drug-target lifetime. The …

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Library of galaxy histories reconstructed from motions of stars

4. January 2018

The CALIFA survey allows to map the orbits of the stars of a sample of 300 galaxies, a fundamental information to know …

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Neutron Stars on the Brink of Collapse

4. December 2017

Neutron stars are the densest objects in the Universe; however, their exact characteristics remain unknown. Using simulations based on recent observations, …

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