
Was gibt es Neues am HITS? Hier gibt es alle Neuigkeiten rund ums HITS, seien es wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen, Erfolge unserer Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen oder aber allgemeine Veränderungen am HITS.

Focal Adhesion Kinase is a mechanosensor!


MD simulations of a FAK fragment containing the catalytic and FERM domains in different protein system are carried out to compare …

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Small change for a big improvement – halogen bonds and drug discovery


Diese Informationen sind leider nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar. Halogen chemistry has been exploited by medicinal chemists for nearly 70 years. …

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Portrait Michele Catanzaro


In seinem Dachgeschossbüro stapeln sich Papierstöße: wissenschaftliche Artikel, Zeitungsausschnitte, Bücher und Notizzettel. Michele Catanzaro ist sehr beschäftigt, …

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No. 17 | 12-2014


EAlles über das neue organisatorische Fundament des HITS, die größte Berechnung des Stammbaums der Insekten sowie ein Portrait des HITS „…

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Proteins under shear flow


Shear flow, as it occurs for example in blood vessel, is an alternative way of subjecting proteins to forces for signalling …

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Extremely elastic proteins


The ultimate properties of proteins with respect to their ability to be force-reactive, are coarsely described by their capacity to withstand …

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Interaction between intrinsically disordered proteins and structured partners


On the line of maturing new understanding of the factors regulating the correct dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins in solution, one …

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Conformational dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins


Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) lack, by definition, of a well-defined three-dimensional structure and therefore explore a much larger conformational ensemble with …

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HITS-Kopf gewinnt Heidelberger Science Slam


Lucas Czech, Doktorand in der Scientific Computing (SCO)-Gruppe am HITS, hat im November 2014 den Heidelberger Science Slam mit seinem Vortrag …

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PhD defense


Our visiting PhD student Paschalia Kapli, that visited our lab twice, successfully defended her PhD at the University of Crete on …

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