2024 Elter M, Brosz M, Sucerquia D, Kuzhelev A, Kiesewetter DC, Kurth M, Dreuw A, Prisner TF, Freudenberg J, Bunz UHF, Gräter F (2024). Breaking Strong Alkynyl-Phenyl Bonds: Poly(para-phenylene ethynylene)s under Mechanical Stress , Journal of the American Chemical Society 1866 Boushehri S, Holey H, Brosz M, Gumbsch P, Pastewka L, Aponte-Santamaría C, Gräter F (2024). O-glycans Expand Lubricin and Attenuate Its Viscosity and Shear Thinning , Biomacromolecules,25(7):3893-3908 1865 Seute L, Hartmann E, Stühmer J, Gräter F (2024). Grappa – A Machine Learned Molecular Mechanics Force Field , In ICML 2024 AI for Science Workshop 1828 Roessner R, Michelarakis N, Gräter F, Aponte-Santamaría C (2024). Mechanical control of the adhesion of malaria-infected erythrocytes to the placenta , Biophysical Journal,123(3):197a 1787 Riedmiller K, Reiser P, Bobkova E, Maltsev K, Gryn’ova G, Friederich P, Gräter F (2024). Substituting density functional theory in reaction barrier calculations for hydrogen atom transfer in proteins , Chemical Science 1770 Richter S, Jin F, Ritterhoff T, Fergin A, Maurer E, Frank A, Hajnal A, Klevit R, Gräter F, Flotho A, Melchior F (2024). SUMO’s intrinsically disordered N-terminus is an intramolecular inhibitor of SUMO – SIM interactions , bioRxiv 1763 2023 Buhr Sd, Gräter F (2023). Myristoyl’s dual role in allosterically regulating and localizing Abl kinase , eLife 12:e85216. 1556 Herrera-Rodríguez AM, Dasanna AK, Daday C, Cruz-Chú ER, Aponte-Santamaría C, Schwarz US, Gräter F (2023). The role of flow in the self-assembly of dragline spider silk proteins , Biophysical Journal 1715 Franz F, Tapia-Rojo R, Winograd-Katz S, Boujemaa-Paterski R, Li W, Unger T, Albeck S, Aponte-Santamaría C, Garcia-Manyes S, Medalia O, Geiger B, Gräter F (2023). Allosteric activation of vinculin by talin , Nat Commun 14, 4311 1505 Rennekamp B, Karfusehr C, Kurth M, Ünal A, Riedmiller K, Gryn’ova G, Hudson DM, Gräter F (2023). Collagen breaks at weak sacrificial bonds taming its mechanoradicals , Nat Commun 14, 2075 (2023). 1540 Kutzki F, Butera D, Lay AJ, Maag D, Chiu J, Woon H, Kubař T, Elstner M, Aponte-Santamaría C, Hogg PJ, Gräter F (2023). Disulfide Bond Reduction and Exchange in von-Willebrand-Factor’s C4-Domain Undermines Platelet Binding , Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (2023). 1651 Dupuy A, Santamaría CA, Yeheskel A, Hortle E, Oehlers SH, Gräter F, Hogg PJ, Passam FH, Chiu J (2023). 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Intrinsically disordered region of talin’s FERM domain functions as an initial PIP2 recognition site , Biophysical Journal 1650 2022 Treyde AW, Riedmiller K, Gräter F (2022). Bond dissociation energies of X–H bonds in proteins , RSC Advances,12(53):34557-34564 1506 Chen P, Kutzki F, Mojzisch A, Simon B, Xu E, Aponte-Santamaría C, Horny K, Jeffries C, Schneppenheim R, Wilmanns M, Brehm MA, Gräter F, Hennig J (2022). Structure and dynamics of the von Willebrand Factor C6 domain , Journal of Structural Biology,214(4):107923 1553 Barayeu U, Schilling D, Eid M, Silva TNXd, Schlicker L, Mitreska N, Zapp C, Gräter F, Miller AK, Kappl R, Schulze A, Angeli JPF, Dick TP (2022). Hydropersulfides inhibit lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis by scavenging radicals , Nature Chemical Biology 19: 28–37 1512 Gruber S, Löf A, Hausch A, Kutzki F, Jöhr R, Obser T, König G, Schneppenheim R, Aponte-Santamaría C, Gräter F, Brehm MA, Benoit M, Lipfert J (2022). A Conformational Transition of the D’D3 Domain primes von Willebrand Factor for Multimerization , Blood Adv,6(17):5198–5209. 1507 Brosz M, Michelarakis N, Bunz UHF, Aponte-Santamaría C, Gräter F (2022). Martini 3 coarse-grained force field for poly(para-phenylene ethynylene)s. , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,24(17):9998-10010 1478 Dupuy A, Aponte-Santamaría C, Yeheskel A, Gräter F, Hogg PJ, Passam FH, Chiu J (2022). Mechano-redox control of Mac-1 de-adhesion from ICAM-1 by protein disulfide isomerase promotes directional movement of neutrophils under flow , bioRxiv 1509 Martin I, Nava M, Wickström S, Gräter F (2022). ATP allosterically stabilizes integrin-linked kinase for efficient force generation , PNAS,119 (11) e2106098119 1257 Gómez-Flores CL, Maag D, Kansari M, Vuong V, Irle S, Gräter F, Kubař T, Elstner M (2022). Accurate Free Energies for Complex Condensed-Phase Reactions Using an Artificial Neural Network Corrected DFTB/MM Methodology. , J Chem Theory Comput,18(2):1213-1226. 1454 Daday C, Buhr Sd, Mercadante D, Gräter F (2022). Mechanical force can enhance c-Src kinase activity by impairing autoinhibition. , Biophys J,121(5):684-691 1453 Martin IM, Aponte-Santamaría C, Schmidt L, Hedtfeld M, Iusupov A, Musacchio A, Gräter F (2022). Phosphorylation tunes elongation propensity and cohesiveness of INCENP’s intrinsically disordered region. , J Mol Biol,434(1):167387 1438 2021 Michelarakis N, Franz F, Gkagkas K, Gräter F (2021). Longitudinal strand ordering leads to shear thinning in Nafion. , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,23(45):25901-25910 1358 Banterle N, Nievergelt AP, Buhr Sd, Hatzopoulos GN, Brillard C, Andany S, Hübscher T, Sorgenfrei FA, Schwarz US, Gräter F, Fantner GE, Gönczy P (2021). Kinetic and structural roles for the surface in guiding SAS-6 self-assembly to direct centriole architecture , Nat Commun,12(1):6180. 1360 Obarska-Kosinska A, Rennekamp B, Ünal A, Gräter F (2021). ColBuilder: A server to build collagen fibril models. , Biophysical Journal,120(17):3544-3549 1295 Jin F, Gräter F (2021). How multisite phosphorylation impacts the conformations of intrinsically disordered proteins. , PLoS Computational Biology,17(5):e1008939 1294 Zha J, Zhang Y, Xia K, Gräter F, Xia F (2021). Coarse-Grained Simulation of Mechanical Properties of Single Microtubules With Micrometer Length. , Front Mol Biosci,7:632122. 1293 Maag D, Putzu M, Gómez-Flores CL, Gräter F, Elstner M, Kubař T (2021). 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Structural basis of Focal Adhesion Kinase activation on lipid membranes. , The EMBO Journal,39(19):e104743 1256 Zapp C, Obarska-Kosinska A, Rennekamp B, Kurth M, Hudson DM, Mercadante D, Barayeu U, Dick TP, Denysenkov V, Prisner T, Bennati M, Daday C, Kappl R, Gräter F (2020). Mechanoradicals in tensed tendon collagen as a source of oxidative stress , Nat Commun 11(1),2315 1139 Franz F, Daday C, Gräter F (2020). Advances in molecular simulations of protein mechanical properties and function , Current Opinion in Structural Biology 61:132-138 1095 Rennekamp B, Kutzki F, Obarska-Kosinska A, Zapp C, Gräter F (2020). Hybrid Kinetic Monte Carlo/Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Bond Scissions in Proteins , J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16(1):553-563 1096 2019 Suman SK, Daday C, Ferraro T, Vuong-Brender T, Tak S, Quintin S, Robin F, Gräter F, Labouesse M (2019). The plakin domain of C. elegans VAB-10/plectin acts as a hub in a mechanotransduction pathway to promote morphogenesis , Development 146(24):dev183780 1097 Caetano-Anollés G, Aziz MF, Mughal F, Gräter F, Koç I, Caetano-Anollés K, Caetano-Anollés D (2019). Emergence of Hierarchical Modularity in Evolving Networks Uncovered by Phylogenomic Analysis. , Evol Bioinform Online 15:1176934319872980 1120 Zhang Y, Xia K, Cao Z, Gräter F, Xia F (2019). A new method for the construction of coarse-grained models of large biomolecules from low-resolution cryo-electron microscopy data , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21(19):9720-9727 1104 Herrera-Rodríguez AM, Miletić V, Aponte-Santamaría C, Gräter F (2019). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Molecules in Uniform Flow , Biophysical Journal 116(9):1579-1585 1103 Sheridan S, Gräter F, Daday C (2019). How Fast Is Too Fast in Force-Probe Molecular Dynamics Simulations? , J. Phys. Chem. 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A proton relay enhances H2O2 sensitivity of GAPDH to facilitate metabolic adaptation , Nature Chemical Biology, 11(2):156–163 89 Beckmann A, Xiao S, Müller JP, Mercadante D, Nüchter T, Kröger N, Langhojer F, Petrich W, Holstein TW, Benoit M, others (2015). A fast recoiling silk-like elastomer facilitates nanosecond nematocyst discharge , BMC biology, 13(1):3 90 Zhou J, Bronowska A, Le Coq J, Lietha D, Gräter F (2015). Allosteric Regulation of Focal Adhesion Kinase by PIP 2 and ATP , Biophysical Journal, 108(3):698–705 91 Li W, Baldus IB, Gräter F (2015). Redox Potentials of Protein Disulfide Bonds from Free-Energy Calculations , The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(17):5386–5391 92 Aponte-Santamarı́a C, Huck V, Posch S, Bronowska AK, Graessle S, Brehm MA, Obser T, Schneppenheim R, Hinterdorfer P, Schneider SW, others (2015). Force-Sensitive Autoinhibition of the von Willebrand Factor Is Mediated by Interdomain Interactions , Biophysical journal, 108(9):2312–2321 93 Mercadante D, Milles S, Fuertes G, Svergun DI, Lemke EA, Gräter F (2015). Kirkwood–Buff approach rescues overcollapse of a disordered protein in canonical protein force fields , The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(25):7975–7984 94 Wagner JA, Mercadante D, Nikić I, Lemke EA, Gräter F (2015). Origin of Orthogonality of Strain-Promoted Click Reactions , Chemistry–A European Journal, 21(35):12431–12435 95 Louet M, Seifert C, Hensen U, Gräter F (2015). Dynamic Allostery of the Catabolite Activator Protein Revealed by Interatomic Forces , PLoS Comput Biol, 11(8):e1004358 96 Milles S, Mercadante D, Aramburu IV, Jensen MR, Banterle N, Köhler C, Tyagi S, Clarke J, Shammas SL, Blackledge M, others (2015). Plasticity of an ultrafast interaction between nucleoporins and nuclear transport receptors , Cell, 163(3):734–745 97 Zhou J, Aponte-Santamaría C, Sturm S, Bullerjahn JT, Bronowska A, Gräter F (2015). Mechanism of Focal Adhesion Kinase Mechanosensing , PLoS Comput Biol, 11(11):e1004593 98 2014